I am married and I wanna start studying in Germany. how much should I pay for student dormitory every month?
please pay attention I am married and my husband will come with me. so I have to find dormitory for married people.
asked Jan 6, 2018 in Home & Living by mina | 687 views

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1 Answer

+3 votes
Hi @mina :)

The rent for student dormitories is usually lower compared to regular flats or rooms. But it always depends on the city you want to study/live in, in what area of that city you want to live and what type of flat you are looking for.

Can you tell me in what city you want to live, please? That way I can do some research about available options and what they cost. Quite often there is single rooms available as well as flats with 2 or more rooms (that cost more of course). The latter should fit for you and your husband.

All the best,
answered Jan 8, 2018 by Lea
I haven't decide yet which city I am learning Germany   
and thank u very much for your respons
You're welcome :)
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