How can a refugees get married to stay with her partner in America while his asylum has been rejected and already made an appeal

For example the refugees is living in Germany München
asked Jun 20, 2017 in Legal advice by SYK | 791 views
Hi my dear, just give a a few more information. Where are you living now? Where is his asylum rejected? where is he from? Are you planning to move to America? Or already living there?
Am Livings in Germany, the asylum is rejected in Munich. My home country is Sierra Leone, my girlfriend want me to join her in America. Presently am living in Munich Ober Bayern( Weilheim-Schongau District?

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1 Answer

+4 votes
Hello SYK,

a conceivable way: apply for a US Green Card.
Details given by the US Greencard Center: ****://tinyurl.***/7c6v5mv

Kind regards
answered Jul 3, 2017 by Jan
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