Dear reades I really need your help realy fast ..

I had a problem with the guy who rented me my previous room , and now he is going to alawyer and I dont know any lawyers or how to pay them if I dont have any money ..
asked Mar 17, 2017 in Legal advice by na | 1,118 views
Hello na, welcome to our community. First of all we need some more information about your current situation: What exactly is the issue that you and your landlord are arguing about? (e.g. do you owe him money for rent or is he making up all the accusations etc.?) Where are you living? That way we can do some research and give you contact information of organisations that might help you out with a lawyer or legal advice. Apart from that I will link to our partner @Marcel who is a lawyer here in our community. As soon as we have a better overview of your case he might give you advise. But it might take some time due to the upcoming weekend. However, I hope that we will find a solution for your problem. Best regards, Thorgen
hey dear Thorgen

thanks for responding .. the problem is that I have stayed in the room for seven months and paid for seven months , and left the room before the end of the seven months and told him about that .. our contract was only for 4 month and ahalf.. but after the end of the contract he didint tell me anything and so i did and I was paying and everything just fine .. the problem is that at the end he demanded me to repay an amount of money for last 25 days , which I have already paid 15 days of it !! so he wants me to repay 15 days that ihave already paid.. and when I wanted to argue with him about it he threatened me that if I didnt do it that he will sue me .. and after that we had some emails but it didnt work out also ... there are so many other details that somebody should personally **** at the contract ..
Ok, can you tell us in which city you live in. That way we can give you contact information for information centers or your local Flüchtlingsrat that might have helpful contacts for you as well. As you said: Somebody should have a **** at the contract but therefore we need to connect you with experts.
As @Thor said, we need a couple of more information about your location to be able to provide more information. Until then, I wish you a good day
Dear Friends
I live in Berlin PLZ 10551
@Marcel or @Steven , Do you have suggestions about how to handle the situation?
Hello Na,
try here: https://***.kub-berlin.org/
thanks very much

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2 Answers

+3 votes
Die Beratungsstelle des EJF bietet Geflüchteten in Berlin mit seinem erfahrenen und kompetenten Team eine umfassende Hilfestellung in der jeweiligen Muttersprache bei der Wohnraumsuche und Anmietung. Für die Vermittlung von Wohnraum ist das EJF seit dem 01.01.2017 nicht mehr zuständig.

Wohnungen für Flüchtlinge
Turmstr. 21
Haus M, Aufgang P, 3. OG
10559 Berlin (Moabit)

Tel  030 3087 3652

Zur Info: Die Nummer der Hotline (0800...) steht seit 01.01.17 nicht mehr zur Verfügung.

Fax 030 3230 4267

Mo, Mi, Do, Fr von 9.00 bis 17.00 Uhr
und Di von 9.00 bis 13.00 Uhr geöffnet.
Die Terminvergabe erfolgt zwischen 09.00 und 15.00 Uhr.


Jana Stritzke


answered Mar 20, 2017 by Paolo
thanks alot
My pleasure. If you other question don´t hesitate and ask away. Have a good week
+2 votes
Hello na,

thank you for giving the additional information about your location.

In Berlin there is a Flüchtlingsrat:


You can call them with this number: 030 224 76 311

They are available from monday till friday between 10-13 o'clock, except for thursday. You can call them on tuesday and thursday between 14-16 o'clock as well.

They will not give you advice themselves, but they can get you in touch with organisations/experts/lawyers that suit your case best.

Apart from that maybe the initiative "Moabit-Hilft" can help you with their counseling. You can go there every day between 10-16 o'clock, but you'll probably have to wait if you don't arrange an appointment beforehand. Therefore you can get in contact with them via mail: info@moabit-hilft.*** or by using their contact form on the following website: ****://moabit-hilft.***/kontakt-zu-moabit-hilft

Feel free to ask if you need further information or if anything remained unclear.

Best regards,
answered Mar 20, 2017 by Thor
thank you so much for helping
You're welcome :) Feel free to ask further questions if necessary
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