I have 15 years experience in journalist media and puplic relation.
And I'm looking to find a job in this field at beginning in Arabic or English language's.

I'm making a search of this matter and found that the German news agency has a special section of the Arabic language an DVchannel.
asked Mar 1, 2017 in Work by Abu Amer | 1,409 views
Hi @Abu, Welcome in the Wefugees community. Are you especially looking for a job or for a Praktikum / Ausbildung? What is your actual level of english (B2, C1, C2 ) ? To what agency are you specifically referring to? I'll try to think about a couple of ideas depending your answers. and then we can take it from there and perhaps find new options depending on your feedback. If you can also talk a bit more about what kind of experience in the field exactly you have, that could also be very useful. Best und viel Erfolg, Paolo
My English level is C2 and I'm work in media company in dubai for 3 years in public relation as media representitiv and Arabic copy writer.
Actually I'm looking to work in (DPA) deutsch press agency and looking to make ausbuildung with them at the beginning so advice how I can contact with them.

Best regards

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4 Answers

+6 votes
Dear Abu,
 just two more ideas where you could find a job: there are two platform that might help you. You can check out the platform migranthire (https://migranthire.***) or workeer (https://workeer.de/fuer-gefluechtete). The two platforms match newcomers to jobs in companies. I am no specialist about the platforms but we have @sophie from workeer in this community who might know a bit more on how to use the platform or if you could find what you are looking for, there!
All the best

answered Mar 2, 2017 by Henny
Hi Abu,

This is Sophie from Workeer. Our platform matches newcomers with employers who are interested in hiring them. It is free of charge and you can sign up here: https://***.workeer.de/registrieren/
Once you have signed up and completed your profile, employers can find your profile and you can apply for jobs.

You can browse our platform for jobs here: https://***.workeer.de/jobs/
If you click on „Filter“, you can filter results to only display opportunities in your field of work.  

I am sorry the website is only available in German. We are currently working on translating it, but maybe you could ask a friend to help for now.
Hi Sophie, I have my CV on Wotkeer since around two years but didn't get any feedback from any jobgiver. Moreover some people are scamming with my data. Sending fake emails and offering me fake jobs. When I was asking to them for more info and searching their validity, nothing found. One email was from Canada one from UK. It was few months back and unfortunately I am not getting them in my inbox. But I saw that there was no valid information of their company
Hey Moni, thank you for your feedback. Regarding the spam that you received we took some measures that prevent this kind of stuff from happening anymore.  With an update we made it more difficult for people to get the data to spam people and if they did we could trace it back to an account and deactivate it.
Apart from that of course we always hope that job seekers like you have success and are contacted by interested companies. Have you maybe tried to get some coaching to find out if there's anything you could do to improve your chances on Workeer and in general?

+5 votes
Hello @Abu Amer,

there is a German broadcasting corporation called "Deutsche Welle" with a program in Arab language, They do offer jobs for people working in the field of journalism.
More informations here: ****://bit.ly/2lCYJ1H

A few German broadcasting companies have thematic channels for people from abroad.
E.g. the Südwestrundfunk (SWR): ****://bit.ly/2lDauVH (German language only).
Contact information: ****://tinyurl.***/huu26ek

Or the Westdeutsche Rundfunk (WDR): ****://bit.ly/2lD9MaS
Maybe these channels could benefit from your experience.

Kind regards
answered Mar 2, 2017 by Jan
+5 votes
Hello @Abu Amer,

this morning the German news magazine "Tagesschau" gives report about a project in Berlin and Brandenburg, that wants tor provide refugees with special news.
A secondary effect is to give journalists from crisis-hit countries the opportunity to get employed in the project. You can watch or download the video report from the link given below (Video is only available in German).

Information source is tagesschau.de: ****://tinyurl.***/hw6ee8s

Kind regards

answered Mar 3, 2017 by Jan
+2 votes
Hi @Abu Amer,

Eed Be Eed Berlin is multimedia platform in Arabic and very soon a magazine in Arabic‎. You should definitely think about  sending them an email with a good cover letter and your CV showing your interest in collaborating with them. >>> ****://bit.ly/2lAW1c0

answered Mar 3, 2017 by Paolo
Paolo's link points to the facebook representation of the project. They have a homepage as well: ****://eedbeeed.de/
You could also try ****://amalberlin.de/ "eine Nachrichtenplattform von geflüchteten JournalistInnen aus Syrien, Afghanistan, Ägypten und Iran. Auf Arabisch und Persisch"
thanks @jan for the link =)
It's always a pleasure to see that community collaboration works quite well here.
I think the same @Jan =)
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