Hallo everyone
I was looking to start an Ausbildung as Elektronik and I have my Abitur translated as German and I hope that it would be accepted. In addition I would start a Sprachkurs in this month so maybe next year I should have DTZ paper. So how should I get an Ausbildung Platz in München or Karlsruhe?
asked Nov 7, 2016 in Work by Yarka3 | 978 views

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2 Answers

0 votes
Hi @Yarka3,

Perhaps try contact the job center :

For Munich see detailed informations here: bit.ly/2aZScKA (German Language)
They have a toll-free service hotline: 0800 4 5555 00
You can as well use an online contact form: bit.ly/2aZSQb0
(from question https://***.wefugees.de/k/questions/1610)

For Karlsuhe:
E-Mail: jobcenter-Karlsruhe-stadt@jobcenter-ge.de
Herr Hans-Peter Kölmel
Telefon: 0721 8319 - 0
Telefax: 0721  8319 - 551

Perhaps try this out and then let me know how this go.
Good luck and I hope to hear from you soon with positive news  =)

All the best,
answered Nov 9, 2016 by Paolo
Thank you for information but I don't have Aufenthaltserlaubnis and I am still in the process of asylum so I don't know how we it would work.
I would still make a call and ask them for some extra information. If you can try that and let us know what they say we can work on that. For sure they know how the process goes.
And @Yarka3 perhaps you could also follow Wefugees' Offline Workshop event in Munich about job research. It's going to take place on the 26th of November and you can also follow through the Facebook live streaming and asking questions from home by commenting.
Here is the link to it : https://***.facebook.***/events/202386856866754/
0 votes
You can check our website Workeer for apprenticeship offers in Munich (here: ****://bit.ly/2fDdL7R) and in Karlsruhe (here: ****://bit.ly/2fEd0rw). The website is made specifically to bring refugees together with employers who are interested in hiring them, so chances are high that these employers are willing to help you.

You do not need a Aufenthaltserlaubnis to do an apprenticeship - Aufenthaltsgestattung or Duldung are fine, too.
answered Nov 9, 2016 by DavidJ
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