Hi everyone!

I did my gewerbeschein after getting positive from Bundesamt. And took some income from Google through my Sparkasse Konto. Around 2900.00 euros for two months.

Last week finanzamt gave me a big letter with huge forms. I don't know what to do now! It's seems very hard.

How much I have to pay tax? Where can I find steuerberater? I have had one steurnummer what I got from Rathhaus when I was asylbewerber. Now I have to take another one? If yes then from where?

Sorry for a lot of questions.

Best wishes for you!
asked Sep 6, 2016 in Money by Don’t Know | 767 views
Hi Moni, maybe these partners of us can help you with your question - > @Avenir @Alex - Solinar @Jurij @Malica
Oops, I made a small mistake: @Alex-Solinar    They will now get a notification and will try to answer your question as soon as they are free
Thanks so much! How can I contact with them? Or they will help me as you tag them?
The tagged persons get a mail, you don't have to do anything.
Jan already gave a good answer. Nevertheless I'll just tag @Leo who might give some additional information
Tnx a lot

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2 Answers

+8 votes
Hello MoniLink,

Maybe you don't have to pay any tax for you have only a small trade (in German: Kleingewerbe). See ****://bit.ly/2c13Vc4, **** for "Umsatzsteuerberfreiung für Kleinunternehmer).

Detailed information about Kleingewerbe/Kleinunternehmer and taxes you can find here: ****://bit.ly/2c14ORN (German text, but very likely no problem for you ;-) ).

As far as I know you get your tax number automatically after you finished your registration Details: ****://bit.ly/2c16BWW

The service center of your local finance office or your local IHK (Industrie- und Handelskammer) can give you further informations.

You can find a     tax accountant (Steuerberater) here: ****://bit.ly/2c181Rs (**** for term 'Steuerberatersuche) or here: ****://bit.ly/2c18JOn

Kind regards, Jan
answered Sep 6, 2016 by Jan
Herzlichen vielen Dank Lieber Jan! Du bist nett!
+1 vote
Thanks a lot.
answered Sep 6, 2016 by Don’t Know
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