Hi everyone,

I have been looking for a job for a very long time but no employment because I'm unable to speak the German language. Please i want to know if there's any company or firm in Germany where asylum can work without the use of to much German language or even if it's not a company, i don't mind and I'm living in Dortmund city just in case.
asked May 10, 2016 in Work by Zino | 1,486 views
Hi Zino! Could you tell me more or less what your qualifications are (what is your field?). Meanwhile, have a **** here: https://***.workeer.de/. This is a website created by two German students that aims at connecting employers with potential employees. Unfortunately the page is in German, maybe you could find someone to help you with it?
Thanks a bunch Elisa, i studied business administration in school and i also worked as a field marketer for a year in Nigeria. But my German is very low while English is my mothers language.
Ok! Well then I guess that website would be good for you. I'll do some research and see if I find something more specific!! :D
Thanks so so much Elisa, you're a darling and i really appreciate it

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3 Answers

+4 votes
Hello Zino,

see 'thelocal.de' for English jobs in Dortmund (and other cities in Germany): ****://bit.ly/1VT3cMP

Regards, Jan
answered May 11, 2016 by Jan
Thank you very much Jan, I appreciate

That's a good one ;)
+3 votes
Hi again! Soooo. First of all try this website:

...and then I would suggest you contact Aiden. They are a new group who is developing a software for finding and offering minijobs. For now they are still working on their official website, so they just have a Facebook page. Here it is:
Try and contact them, I'm sure they will be able to help!
Good luck with your search :D
answered May 13, 2016 by Elisa
Thanks so much Elisa, of a truth you're a wonderful person and i truly appreciate all your efforts. I would be glad to say a big thank you to your face if possible

Good luck Zino! And keep us posted with how everything is going :)
Hi Julia, thanks for the previous message. It has not been easy find a job though but i came across some agent that that works directly with many companies and it's more easier for them to help you get a job directly from a company where you want to work than you trying yourself, so now i have been asked to get a document called "Gutschein" I don't have idea where to get this documents because I'm under sozialamt and not jobcenter but some people said jobcenter gives this document. I really need help now
Hi Zino!! Can you check if this document they were talking about is the "Aktivierungs- und Vermittlungsgutschein"? If yes, then a Jobcenter can produce it for you. But I would consider it with attention; there are many contrasting opinions on this "practice" (unfortunately not being German I don't really know much about it, but I can do some research and let you know, or maybe someone else will also take part in the discussion). Anyway, here the first things I found: here (****://***.arbeitsratgeber.***/vermittlungsgutschein-vgs-vom-arbeitsamt/) it says that this Gutschein is produced from the Arbeitsamt and it is made for getting assistance from privates (not something stately organised). If this person succeeds in helping you, after a six months period of time in which you work the Gutschein will provide this person with 1000euros...and anyway they also say one should beware of people that ask you right away for this Gutschein. Check out this forum in English: ****://***.toytowngermany.***/forum/topic/143101-vermittlungsgutschein-for-a-job-application/. I would suggest not to accept any offer of this sort until you/we find more information :) Stay tuned I will check this out!
Anyway you can get it only if you have being collecting benefits for more that eight months...is this your case?
+1 vote
also have a **** at this: ****://***.wefugees.de/k/questions/1270
answered Jun 6, 2016 by Miso
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