Hello i am refugee in germany and my husband is refugee in denmark and he got the residence for 5 years
How can i bring him to germany by family reunion ??
Some people said to me you can't and many said you can just take acceptance from auslander
asked Apr 2, 2016 in Legal advice by Rula | 695 views
I am refugee in germany and i got 3 years residence
My question is not how can i move to denmark
The opposite i want to make family reunion for my husband to move to germany
Well, I've got your point of view. But in your original post the fact of your resident status was missing. Now your case is much clearer: Both of you have a residence stauts but in different countries.

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2 Answers

+1 vote
Hello Rula,

Your case is a complicated one for we haven't got a consistent refugee politc in the EU.
What is your status in Germany? If your husband has got residence for 5 years in Denmark you have the right to move there after 3 years. If you have a comparable status in Germany a familiy reunion might be merely an administrative problem.
Anyway, ask the expertes of Pro Asyl for help, they are experienced in such cases.
Contact information: https://***.proasyl.de/en/contact/

Regards, Jan
answered Apr 3, 2016 by Jan
+1 vote
I actually heard that in this situation you have to talk to a lawyer before that you have to ask in the auslander if they didn't give you any help or any advices you have to talk to a lawyer.
answered Apr 6, 2016 by Kenan
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