Is a 1 year enough to learn german in an institution and be eligible to pass the language entrance exam for medical studies in a university ?( I will try to do my best and I will spend all the day on  practicing german )
asked Mar 15, 2016 in Education by memo | 500 views
Wow, "really ambitious", keep it up!!!

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1 Answer

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this is a question that can't be answered in a general way. Too many parameters are playing a role. In any case, this is a really ambitious goal.
For further information see ****://tinyurl.***/j3todun (especially last section of the text). There are a few medicine schools in Germany where you can study medicine in English (e.g. ****://tinyurl.***/zb5c4k7).

Regards, Jan
answered Mar 16, 2016 by Jan
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