Hello guys,

as the most of you are Berliner, I was wondering why there hasn't been any thread about foodsharing. It's a very interesting and helping organization.

The main aims are saving or better "rescuing" food and of course to call everyone's attention to the problem of food wastage. Of course there arise more helpful aims as helping the deserving poor receive food that they cannot offer, but this has to be in "hidden agenda", as the fundamental idea has to be the reduction of palatable food.

So if you are interested, the next question will be "how can I help"?

The best thing is to inform yourself on the following website:


Your main job will be to go to selected supermarkets, bakeries, etc. that work together with foodsharing e.V., there you receive an amount of food, that normally would be thrown away because it is not allowed to them to sell it! You can keep it, give it to your neighbors, friends, family or to soup kitchens, other organizations, etc.

If you are interested you have to register in the above shared link, there you have to pass an important quiz about the organization and the work that has to be done.

If you have problems with the language to solve the quiz you can contact the team by the following e-mail:


Have fun!
asked Mar 14, 2016 in Information & Offers by jinyus | 658 views
You are wondering why there hasn't been any thread about foodsharing. Simple answer: Nobody asked a question about that. Don't forget, this is a Q&A-forum ;-)) But your information is welcome of course!
Well, that's true, but many refugees ask for example how to make contact with German speaking people, so this is one idea to do it :-) hihihi
The advantage of a Q&A-forum is it's clear and stringent structure, which supports effectiveness and a democratic stimulus for people to spring into action. Therefore structure doesn't end in itself, what makes it different from other forum types. Though I see your good intentions nobody knows that you didn't post a question but an information that doesn't need any answer. Maybe we could discuss with the Wefugee-Team if it makes sense to them to implement a new categrory (e.g. Common Information). But until then I do favour the primary idea of Q&A.

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1 Answer

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Nice information. Is there any in NRW?
answered Mar 15, 2016 by Don’t Know
Yes, it's all over Germany.
Thanks a lot. Do you know about wir-zusammen.de initiatives? I am astonished there's no direct contact email of respective company! How anyone can contact? Strange system!
Write to info@wir-zusammen.de (Details: https://wir-zusammen.de/aktiv-werden)
Tnx Jan I know the email, but I will try
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