Hello again everyone!
As i wrote before i'm new and i've been in germany for 1 month i started learning german alone and I'm doing well with it. i have some german friends and they're helping me alot i've been in a camp called stegskopf and i worked there as a übersetzen with the red cross and then i had a transfer to a village called: mülh-kärlich nähe koblenz and now my life looks like a nightmare it's so boring i'm not doing anything else learning iwant to find a job even if it's kinda free,it's good for me so i can meet people and learn some words from them and the pronounce,iwant to feel like I'm an active person again.Idon't like to talk that much but it's really boring here and i really need some help.
thank you!
asked Dec 28, 2015 in Other Questions by Kenan | 1,330 views

Go to Rathhaus and ask for 'Sozialarbeit'. Maybe you will get 1-1.5 euro per hour. And it's better as your Chef will be German, and you can learn something from him.

Best wishes for you!
Thanks alot!

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6 Answers

+2 votes
Hi Kenan, if you're interested in volunteering with or setting up an initiative that helps other refugees in Germany this might be of interest to you. ProjectTogether is holding a workshop for refugees in Bonn at 24.4., we provide free coaching to anyone with ideas for social projects. The workshop will bring together refugees and Germans who are interested in founding their own projects. During the day we will collect and set up teams to realize them. Check out our website and join us! projecttogether.org/integration
answered Mar 23, 2016 by ProjectTogether
+2 votes
Hi Kenan,

if you want to campaign for something there is no better place than betterplace.org ;-) See ****://tinyurl.***/h9tmkmm
And by the way, don' forget wefugee. ;-))

Regards, Jan
answered Mar 24, 2016 by Jan
+1 vote
Hello, maybe they have an idea for a kind of employment: ****://tinyurl.***/hwwckjy

Regards, Jan

answered Dec 28, 2015 by Jan
Hello jan,i checked the app you mentioned I couldn't understand a word,can you tell me what's all about? The main idea of this website,anyways i sent an email to them so iwill see what's gonna happend thanks alot!
I hope this helps to understand, what the organisation mentioned is about: ****://tinyurl.***/h5gec5w
+1 vote
Hallo Kenan, if you are tecnically interested, and like to help other people, may be the Freiwillige Feuerwehr (voluntary firebrigade) could be interesting for you. In the most towns of Germany fireworkers work as volunteers and get a free training for that. Sometimes it may seem a little bit like a military-system with uniforms and so on, but normally you find interesting people, helping each other and looking for new volunteers. You should contact the "Wehrführer" by mail – and in german, because they will be more reserved (and eventually afraid you will not learn enough german to understand orders and trainig….), if you write in english.
Here are some more Informations about Firebrigades in Germany and Rheinland-Pfalz:
If they don´t answer you, I can give you an other adress in Koblenz, not far away, leave a massage here.
And if you are not so interested in learning to be a fireworker: In germany we have a lot of Vereine (associacions or clubs) for everything like sport, red cross and so on. The most of them **** for new members and voluntary helpers. **** here: ****://***.muelheim-kaerlich.de/vereinsregister.html?no_cache=1
And: In your Heim (shelter) should work a Sozialarbeiter (socialworker), perhaps he has some more informations. Good luck and best regards, Heide
answered Jan 1, 2016 by HeiDe
I'm so thankful heide! I really liked the idea and i'm gonna ask about the fire fighter thing and i will check the rathaus auch thanks alot!
Great to read from you, Kenan! If there ar any questions about firefighters, leave a massage.... Heide
+1 vote
Also music might be a good thing to meet people ... Do you play an instrument or do you like to sing in a chorus?

If you are able to play something well, you can join easily.
E.g in our little city with 30.000 people we have 12 music associactions and about 20 bands. Sometimes cities have government-funded rehearsal rooms where you can always meet people. Most of them will have a website. Sometimes the public music clubs are also linked on the website of the local music school.
Normaly public music associations, orchestras or church music chorus welcome new people very much. Most organisations have some own instruments for people who cannot afford an own instrument or learn a new one.
answered Jan 2, 2016 by Dave
–1 vote
Also you can play computer games ... it is not active in the german society but is fun. At the moment i recommend Fallout 4. There is also a new version of Star Craft.

answered Jan 2, 2016 by Dave
Hahaha actually anyone likes computer games,Ps,xbox etc..
But this is a waste of time it's fun when you have a reall job and find some free time to play video games.
Dave, I appreciate your efforts, but does playing computer games really match with the original question "Be an active person on the german society"? Where is the social benefit?
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