I am new here in berlin, I have got the residence permit but i don't speak German.
Could i found a job in Berlin, knowing that I used to work as an accountant and a banker in Syria during the last ten years.

I'll be greatefull for any information
asked Nov 16, 2015 in Work by HSS | 1,176 views

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3 Answers

+4 votes
Hello HSS:
It is possible to find jobs in Germany in which German language is not required. Generally, the Federal Employment Agency is responsible for dealing with job vacancies in Germany. Refugees can register themselves at one of these offices (known in German as Agentur für Arbeit) if they are searching for work. There, they are able to receive advice or assistance.
These websites can be useful:
- ****://jobboerse.arbeitsagentur.de/vamJB/startseite.html?m=1&aa=1
- ****://***.thelocal.de/jobs/
- ****://***.make-it-in-germany.***/en/for-qualified-professionals/working/guide/looking-for-a-job

There are also many private initiatives which specialize in bringing refugees and employers together. In many cities and towns, some local refugee centers also have notice boards, which are worth checking out.

It's also possible to just approach local businesses for work. Currently, there are job vacancies in parts of the hospitality business, in trades and in certain specialized professions. A list of sectors where there are job vacancies can be found here:
- ****://***.make-it-in-germany.***/en

Hope it helps (****://***.dw.***/en/when-refugees-want-to-work-in-germany/a-18737104)
answered Nov 17, 2015 by Beatriz
Thank you Beatriz for the help.
I'll checked the links that you have mentiined.
Vielen Danke
0 votes
I recommend not to trust the jobcenter only. Since, they are happy if you take any job and are out of the statistics. In past they offered very much "Zeitarbeit" jobs and pushed unemployed people to take them. In these jobs you have to jump from company to company for minimum money and work in production as shift worker with zero skills. Instead of that, i recommend that you use google maps to check the industrial estate areas in your area. Check the company website one by one. If you find an interesting company just write them an email with your cv (including a foto) and tell them your skills.

This will results in better jobs with better payment. But please don't be frustrated if you have to write 100 or 200.
answered Jan 2, 2016 by Dave
0 votes
My company helps everyone to become a small company and therefore work.
If you are interested, just comment.
answered Jan 3, 2016 by Leo
what company is that?
Hi @AlexLange, @leo was talking about Aiden. Email them for more information at hi@myaiden.co or visit their website at ****://myaiden.co/
Thanks, Paolo! You guys are fast.
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