I want a flat for two persons
And the job center will pay the money
Can you help me?
asked Oct 26, 2015 in Home & Living by tarek.st | 1,891 views

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9 Answers

+4 votes
Hey Tarek,

I did a little research for you. Unfortunately it is very hard to find a flat in Berlin. I experienced that firsthand last year. But there are some Initiatives and Organisations which can help you to find a flat.

1. The best would be if you go to the "Evangelisches Jugend- und Fürsorgewerk" (EJF) in Turmstraße 2, House 'K'. You can either call them: (030) 30 873-652 or visit the office on Monday, Wednesday or Friday. Which languages do you speak by the way? E. g. Monday and Wednesday you can get consulting in arabic as well.

2. You can register yourself and the other person on ****://***.home4refugees.org/ which is still under development or on ****://***.fluechtlinge-willkommen.de/ . Just klick 'You are a Refugee?' and you can register yourself. Flüchtlinge Willkommen (Refugees Welcome in english) connects refugees with apartment-sharing communities.

I hope that will help! Good luck for you two!

Best wishes

answered Oct 26, 2015 by Torben
thank you very much i will go there
thanks for your help
+3 votes
Try here ****://berlincheap.***/category/flats/ I think it would be best to go for WBS (that's the paper you get in Bürgeramt) if you don't earn more that 18.000 a year i think. Without that even if you are on job center it can be hard. But try first. I would suggest Howoge and to go personally to their center.
answered Oct 27, 2015 by www.refugeeswork.com
thank you a lot ..
+3 votes

Checking at the apartment for interested ppl set by the Degewo is tomorrow at 14.30. you need to call in the morning the number from that page in order to have your name on the list.
answered Oct 28, 2015 by Juana
+3 votes
We published some information on finding an apartment here:


(You might have to join the FB Group "places4refugees")
answered Oct 29, 2015 by Joachim
+2 votes
@Alikx Lieber Alikx,

du hast gefragt, wo du in Berlin eine Wohnung finden kannst. Verstehst du ein bisschen Englisch? Dann findest du bei dieser Frage hier gute Antworten. Wenn du sie nicht verstehst, würde ich sie dir eben auf deutsch übersetzen.

Was hier nicht mit aufgelistet ist, ist die Seite:  ****://***.woloho.***/ . Wenn du schon etwas deutsch kannst, kannst du im Bereich "Home" ein Gesuch schreiben, was für eine Wohnung du suchst etc. Und deine Handynummer angeben. Leute, die etwas für dich haben, können dich dann anrufen. Du kannst es aber auch in englisch schreiben.

Liebe Grüße

answered Apr 1, 2016 by Henny
+2 votes
@Firas .  

Lieber Firas,
auf deine Frage nach der Wohnung in Berlin für zwei Leute, kannst du hier nützliche Informationen finden. Schau in die Antworten und auf die LInks. Wenn du kein Englisch verstehst, dann kann ich auch eine Übersetzung für dich machen.

Auch wenn ich mitbekommen habe, dass die Wartezeiten dort sehr lang sind:

Die EJF kann dir auch weiterhelfen:  https://***.ejf.de/einrichtungen/migrations-und-fluechtlingsarbeit/fluechtlingsberatung-berlin.html

ich hoffe ihr findet schnell etwas
Liebe Grüße

answered Jun 6, 2016 by Henny
+2 votes
@yousef You can find some informative informations listed in this posts.

You will see, that unfortunately it takes a while to find an apartment in Berlin, even if its just one room. But with some luck and maybe some help from others you will manage that!

Moabit Hilft, its an initiative in Berlin, they are helping people with finding a flat in Berlin. They also know the institutions you have to contact and the paperwork that probably has to be done! Here is a brief explanation about their work and their contact aswell:

I Hope this will help you!

Let us know if you need further help!


I hope these informations can help you!
answered Jul 14, 2016 by Henny
0 votes

I would suggest you check the links given in these answers and the advising centers recommented! If there is anything you don't understand, let me know and I will translate it to you!
answered Aug 1, 2016 by Henny
I linked you to this question, because there are good answers already given to people who have comparable issues to yours. Especially when you already have all the papers requested, they: https://***.ejf.de/einrichtungen/migrations-und-fluechtlingsarbeit/fluechtlingsberatung-berlin.html
can help you! But from what I know, you unfortunately have to wait a while. Sites like ****://***.immonet.de/ , https://***.immobilienscout24.de/ canhelp aswell to find a flat. You just need to tipe in how many rooms you want, how much it should cost maximum and in which city you are looking and they will find apartments for you, that fit your requests! You can also register with your email, so that they will send you a mail everytime there is a new apartment.
Thanks alot for your answer Register ejf may 2015 but they dont help me they ask me they dont have Apartments i looking 3 room Apartment in Berlin i know immonet and immobilionscaunt24 they have Apartments but they Need wbs Schein and they Need 3 Pay Slips and Now i dont have this 2 Things so i alwayes looking in ebaykleinzeigen but its same Problem.
0 votes
Hallo for evry one
i need help to find an apartment in München

answered May 9, 2017 by Laius
Hello, very likely nobody heard your question. Please use the link 'Ask a question' in the upper right and ask your question for help again. Be sure to choose 'Home and living' as a target at the bottom of the form.
Thank you Jan
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