#workflow #volunteers #communication
asked Oct 20, 2015 in Other Questions by RW Spain | 737 views

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Gooood (and difficult) question...

In the core team there are 8 members (4 full time, 4 half time). They are paid. 2 are responsible for technic, design, press relations,cooperations, internationalization, etc.. 6 are doing the matches dependent of which region they are responsible for. Around 3 do all the matchings in Berlin because there are so many registrations there. One is responsible for western Germany, one for southern Germany and one for east/central Germany.
28 volunteers work (not more than 5 hours/week) on all the incoming registrations. With the help of our technical system they receive a mail any time if there is a new registration. All these 28 volunteers are responsible for a single city (e.g. Hamburg or Berlin) or for a certain "Bundesland". If they discussed every upcoming question with the person who offered a room they assign the offer to one of team members of the core team. This member tries to find a refugee who could fit to the flat share/family/couple etc.

Besides the matches another 30 volunteers help us with different things:
7 are responsible for the internationalization
5 help us with IT
4 help us with the fundraising
some help us with translations and so on and so on...

Does that help you?
answered Oct 22, 2015 by Mareike_German team
Absolutely Mareike! :D Thanks for your answers!
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