Let's start a list with Internet Pages, where you can find an apartment :)
asked Oct 15, 2015 in Home & Living by human | 1,612 views

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6 Answers

+4 votes
Best answer
Here are some Websites to find an own flat:

****://***.immobilienscout24.de (largest)
answered Oct 15, 2015 by Conny
here you can find rooms in shared flats, flats and houses in many German cities
Thank you
+3 votes
in each region exists local newspapers which normally are free of charge and contain information of local themes. In these newspapers exists anouncements of local workplace and apartments/houses.

in ***.xing.de are local groups offering apartments, too.
answered Oct 15, 2015 by bk90de
+3 votes
you can join the FB group "places4refugees", where we published some advise for looking for apartments:

answered Oct 29, 2015 by Joachim
+1 vote
Hey Guys,

I also found this:
"we help you to move from the central refugee camp to your first ownflat on the platform
The platform works in arabic/english/french/german and gives Knowhow and email-support
Greetings from Pastor Andreas Dohrn Tel: 0170/7144931 Email: a.dohrn@peterskirche-leipzig.de"
answered Dec 16, 2015 by Conny
+1 vote
Wg-gesucht.de helps with shared flats and it's used widely by students.
answered Dec 17, 2015 by Janette
0 votes
Who can also **** to tje website
answered Dec 13, 2015 by ACM
As a refugee you can register here: ****://***.fluechtlinge-willkommen.de/#refugee-signup  Best regards and good luck. Conny
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