Is it possible to stay in Germany forever or do we have to go after a while?
On what does this decision depend?

Thanks guys! You are helping a lot!!!
asked Sep 22, 2015 in Asylum proceedings by Mirco | 992 views

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3 Answers

+8 votes
It depends on your refugee status. At first you get a residence permit up to 3 years, after that it is possible to get a permanent resident status.

You can read it in the document below on the site 13
answered Sep 23, 2015 by Monika
Hello Monika! Many thanks for your answer, is there any English version of this document?
Sorry, It was wrong one, now it's english version
Great, thank you!
0 votes
***.welcome2germany.wordpress.*** this page will provide you with most general information about the asylum case procedure, how it works, where to go etc. + as you are in Berlin, there are a lot of information-addresses at the end. Always feel free to go to KUB (Oranienstraße 159 in Kreuzberg). They offer legal help and translators for free.
answered Nov 16, 2015 by basil
–2 votes
If you think about the asylum process, I've collected problems in this process and workaounds in my e-mail-responding-machine.
Send an email to service.bk90de@gmx.de with the subject
to receive these information or without subject to receive an overview.
answered Oct 15, 2015 by bk90de
Thanks for the resource! Just so that everyone knows, the information is given in German, Spanish and English.
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