Hi, I am Myriam and I have four kids (from 4 to 10), I am alone and I have to find a job so I need to find someone who could take care of them. Are there any daycare centers, where I could let them for the day?
asked Sep 9, 2015 in Activities by Myriam | 406 views
in which town?
In Berlin

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1 Answer

+3 votes
Hey Myriam, where do you live now? If you stay in a in a Community or Refugee shelter you can ask the social workers for support. They can help you to enrol your    kids in a day care center, in a    school or in an after school care centre.

There are further information in the attachment. The document KiTa-Flyer is written in different languages.

I hope I could help you and I wish you and your kids all the best!

answered Sep 17, 2015 by Torben
Thank you for your help, Myriam
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