
I have a free room in my flat and I would be happy to welcome free of charge someone who would need it, what shall I do?

asked Aug 25, 2015 in How can I help? by Angela | 1,018 views
Hey if it's still any room available there I would need it so much because I'm having a lot of troubles here if you can help me with that then I will be so much thankful

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5 Answers

+3 votes
Hey Angela!

Thank your for your question! If you want to let someone stay in your flat/house for a few days or longer, you can register on ****://***.fluechtlinge-willkommen.de/.

You can also get in contact with some Facebook groups, such as :

Or some organization, such as :

answered Aug 25, 2015 by Caro
+2 votes
Hi Angela,

i fond an Info-paper from proasyl about:How to rent a room out for refugees?
Its written in german.


Hope this helps.
answered Sep 10, 2015 by Conny
+2 votes
you can also always offer this option to the people from the o-platz movement. they have open meetings every sunday at 3pm and in general, they are available daily from 5 - 9 pm at oranienplatz. they provide a network with sleeping places for refugees, also on a short term base (1-2 nights) and are always happy about support.
answered Oct 3, 2015 by basil
+1 vote
Thank you very much for your offer.
If you want to offer a room please write to schlafplatzorga@gmail.***
This group will mediate free room to refugees
Also they are responsive if you have more questions
answered Nov 14, 2015 by ACM
Hi, great offer! Thank you. For which cities are you doing this?
This works just for Berlin so far.
+1 vote
You can also call your local Sozialamt and tell them that you have a spare room and would like to host a refugee! My local Sozialamt has created a special email account just for arranging housing for refugees, so I think they are often happy to help with this, and happy when local residents offer a spare room or even an entire flat to refugees.
answered Nov 15, 2015 by Wera
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