Where do I find a language school?
Or is there a cheaper way to learn german?

Thanks for your help
asked Aug 24, 2015 in Education by Mirco | 619 views

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2 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer
Hi Mirco,

here you can find a list with the next german courses in Berlin: ****://***.netzwerk-deutschkurse-fuer-alle.de/ubersicht-kursbeginn-kurslevel/

Where are you living at the moment?

answered Aug 24, 2015 by Conny
Hi Conny, I'm living in Berlin-Mitte at the moment. Is there a german course that isn't that expensive? Thanks for your help. Mirco
Hi Mirco, here is one course every Thuesday from 14.30 to 16.30. Address: Schöneberger Ufer, 10785 Berlin-Mitte.  ****://***.netzwerk-deutschkurse-fuer-alle.de/weltweitasyl-in-der-kirche-kursangebot/
Ok, thank you very much!
+1 vote
Hi Mirco :)

I know this question is quite old, but I think it's still an important topic.

If you are looking for free German courses in Berlin you can go to Volkshochschule (VHS). All of them offer free courses for all (!) refugees that are either still in the process or that have been rejected. And of course they have regular integration courses for people with residence permission as well ;)

I will upload a leaflet in four different languages for more detailed information about the courses at VHS Neukölln. If you live in other parts of Berlin you can go to their VHS as well to sign up for the classes.

All the best,
answered Nov 29, 2017 by Lea
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