Guten Abend zusammen, Ich würde gerne wissen die Vorgehenweise als Ausländer (noch nicht in Deutschland)BFD zu beschäftigen.
asked Mar 15 in Information & Offers by Karin Alex | 209 views

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1 Answer

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Hi @Karin Alex

You have used both English and German in your question. I will answer in English and I hope this is ok.

If you wish to do a BFD, you need to find an organisation where you can do this voluntary service. There are many opportunities available in different sectors, e.g. working with older people, young people, cultural activities, sports.

Here you can search for such an organisation and type of voluntary service you would like to do:


You then send an application. If the organisation is interested, you will have an online interview. If successful, you will be given a BFD contact. With this you can apply for a visa at the German embassy of your home country.

Here is a flyer about it:


This site is also a good source of information:




answered Apr 15 by mbeon-Éanna
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