How can I get the new 16g residence permit. What is the procedure to apply it. Whome should i approach
asked Mar 12 in Legal advice by Ny | 729 views

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2 Answers

0 votes

Hi @Ny

You apply for the new permit 16g with your local Ausländerbehörde.

Until this new law for the residence permit 16g was brought in, a person who had a Duldung and found an Ausbildung could only receive the temporary status of 'Ausbildungsduldung'. Now there is the option for such a person to get either the Ausbildungsduldung or the permit 16g. 

The main differences are that to get 16g, a person's identity must be verified (ideally with a passport) and they must be financially secure. If a person is doing a 'duale Ausbildung', they are allowed to access the money from BAB (Berufsausbildungsbeihilfe) in order to finance thie Ausbildung.



answered Mar 21 by mbeon-Éanna
0 votes
Is it also possible to apply if the case has not been decided? I mean a person with the Aufenthaltgestattung, but currently doing an Ausbildung.
answered Mar 21 by beebson
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