Hi. I want to apply for fachkraft lagerlogistik ausbildung but in few months l will relocate. Can l continue the same Ausbildung if l happen to relocate to another city? Can l be transferred or l  have to finish only at one specific place? Submition is open now but l have to apply knowing this first. Also can l do Ausbildung part-time as l have to care for my children too?
asked Mar 11 in Education by Simi | 924 views

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Dear @Simi

Welcome back to the Wefugees Community and thank you for being such an active member. 

Making an "Ausbildung" is a very good idea and in general, it is also possible to do it part-time. For this, you have to find an employer/training company (you want to make a dual vocational training including working with an employer and going to school, right?) which agrees on the part-time model. However, I have some doubts if changing the employer and school after a few months again (in case you move to another place) makes much sense. Do you know already where you are going to move? If yes, I may recommend to apply for an "Ausbildung" at the new place since the training programmes ususally start in August/September and now would be the time to apply respectively. An Ausbildung usually requires a German level of minimum B1 - you could use the free time to work on this as well. 

In case you want to stay at your current location, an Ausbildung might be a reason not to be transferred to another place. I highly recommend to discuss your best options individually with a migration/refugee counselling office. 

I hope this helps and please don't hesitate to get back to us with any further questions. 

All the best, 


answered Mar 12 by Meike
Thank you. l already have B1 certificate. The problem is the housing. l haven't found a house to the new City which l want to relocate to. Thid is also hindering me from making plans and also to **** for kindergarten for my child.
Hello, as a part time job I was thinking more of a waiter or something quick as a second job next to my ausbildung not a second ausbildung.
Is that possible by law ?
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