Gave birth in sept 2022 and employer only paid upto Dec 2022. I didn't recieve any money until July onwards in 2023 from sozialamt. When I contacted them they said they pay from when I applied and thata July 2023. My question is, is there any chance I can claim for that money if yes, from who? Note, I have a permanent work contract but my Asyl case is still pending. Thanks
asked Mar 5 in Money by Fiana | 507 views

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1 Answer

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Your employer is responsible to pay "Mutterschaftsgeld". They will pay retroactively. If they deny, get a lawyer.
answered Mar 6 by helios
Hallo Helios, I was told at work that they can only pay 3 months after I gave birth ( I had twins) that's October, November and December. Where do I get more information about this please.
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