Hello, I have a place for Ausbildung as electricer but it starts in september 2024. My country is about to be recognized as safe nation and my sister has got asylum application rejected. My case is also same and Im sure I will probably also get rejection,  so I want to stay safe and learn what I want to learn. But I wonder if the fact that Ausbildungs start is in september 2024 and I got answer any time before that would stop me from getting duldung when needed. Thanks.
asked Oct 13, 2023 in Asylum proceedings by Andrey_Malk | 660 views

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Dear @Andrey_Malk

Welcome to the Wefugees Community and thank you for your question. 

In general, you can apply for the "Ausbildungsduldung" up to seven months before the start of the training (Ausbildung) and obtain it up to six months before the start. You are right, people from so-called safe countries of origin (and who applied for asylum) are usually not allowed to work and subsequently don't receive an "Ausbildungsduldung". Handbook Germany is also providing very good information on this topic.

I also read that the German government is planning to declare Georgia and Moldova as safe countries. As far as I know, they didn't finally decide on it yet though (and therefore did't implement it either). But I agree that you should observe the developments carefully in that respect. 

Do I understand correctly, however, that you are still in the asylum procedure and you are holding an "Aufenthaltsgestattung"? In that case it may make sense to withdraw your aslyum application. But please discuss this carefully with a lawyer or with experts in a very experienced migration counselling office. 

I hope this helps and please don't hesitate to get back to us with any further questions. 

All the best, 


answered Oct 14, 2023 by Meike
Hello Dear Meike,

Thank you very much for your comment. I have spoken with my migrationsadviser as well and I'm really worried now. Everyone says that it's just matter of time before Georgia is declared safe nation and after that, If I didn't have job before 30th August, I'm getting straight up ban from working and possibly deported. If I cancel my Asyul case how does it go from there then? I could get a job somewhere in market or local restaurant or post office as I already speak good German but will I be able to stay here? I am very actively looking for Ausbildung for september 2024 and I need to stay here before start. Long story short, how can I stay here if I take out my Asyul request?
With best wishes.
To add a little facts: I'm 18, I'm here for 1 year and I speak good German. My school certificate is recognized Realschuleabshluss. I seek protection with my parents, but it doesn't matter anymore I think as I became 18
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