Thank you Meike for your constant support. I am facing the worst kind of marriage and thinking of a way out.
Since he was threatening me that l will see the worst side of him, I had wanted to help him out to fulfill his evil motive of coming into my life.
No, our marriage is not yet registered in Germany.
Now my education is standstill because I have to take care of the baby and he doesn't care about us or does nothing to support me.
Please where can I report him to? I just don't want to have anything to do him so that he can deal directly with the authorities. I fell worthless with his constant Verbal abuse. And unfortunately I don't have any evidence to report him to the police.
asked Apr 19, 2023 in Legal advice by Lydia | 161 views

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Hi @Lydia,

I am sorry to read of your situation. If you are being threatened and feel in danger, you can always call the police on the number 110.

As an alternative, you can go to a women's shelter. They will take in both you and your child and your husband will not be able to find out where you are staying. The social workers there can then assist you with looking for your own place and obtaining financial assistance if necessary.

Here you can search for one near you, there should generally be someone who works there who speaks English:


If your living circumstances change and you are no longer living with your husband, you are obliged to inform the Ausländerbehörde. If your marriage is not yet recognised in Germany, then his residency options are limited to the basis of having a child here with a residence permit. He may as a result be entitled to a humanitarian residence permit or a Duldung. He may also have access rights and/or custody rights. That means he may be entitled to visit the child and/or be required to give his permission for important decision regarding the child (in German this is called Sorgerecht). A family advice centre can assist you if you need to come to an arrangment about this.

I hope that helps, let us know if you have any other questions.



answered Apr 20, 2023 by mbeon-Éanna
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