I did not receive Kinderbonus in the amount of 100 euros.Although the child allowance (Kindergeld) is issued. In total, we received only 220 euros (for a family of 2 people). Please advise me what to do to get the money. Should I go to my inspector in the Jobcenter, or my son should go to his inspector (he is 18 years old)?
asked Jul 29, 2022 in Money by Natalia | 757 views

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1 Answer

+1 vote

Hi @Natalia,

There are three separate additional payments at the moment.

  1. Jobcenter bonus of 200€ in July (one off payment)
  2. Additional social welfare for children from the Jobcenter: 20€ every month from July
  3. Kinderbonus: 100 Euro from the Familienkasse in July (one off payment)

It seems you have received payment one and two. For the third payment you need to be in receipt of Kindergeld from the office called the Familienkasse. The third payment was paid out by the Familienkasse between July 5 – 19.

If you are in receipt of Kindergeld and did not receive the Kinderbonus, then it is the Familienkasse you need to contact. It’s important to know that Kindergeld is only paid out for children after reaching the age of 18 in certain situations:

  • The child is waiting to begin studies or an apprenticeship (up to four months)
  • The child is studying or doing an apprenticeship
  • The child is registered as looking for work or apprenticeship with the Jobcenter

You also wrote you received a total of 220 euros for a family of two. Do you mean a total bonus of 220 euros in addition to the Kindergeld and regular money from Jobcenter? If neither of you are working and you are only receiving 220 euros in total each month, then this amount is far too low and incorrect.



answered Jul 29, 2022 by mbeon-Éanna
Thank you very much for the answer. We've received 220 euro extra. Our monthly allowance is 880 euros. I have another question about this. What should we do if we have only received part of the allowance, namely 754 euros? In previous months we received 880 euros for two people, but this month for some reason it is less (
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