Hello my name is Arifah Radhiah, from Malaysia. I am here on the behalf of my fiance´ who is currently trying to find a job which accept a refugee to work with. My fiance´ is from Yemen, and is applied for refugee status in Germany. He is currently waiting for his status and hopefully to have a job once he got his resident permit. We hope to get married in Germany start our lives together as a family. We are now is waiting for my fiance´ to get his status in Germany and at the same time he is trying to have a job as soon a possible once he got his resident permit. May I know how and what type of jobs that he could apply for?

Thank you so much for your help. I am looking forward to hearing from you, have a nice day :)
asked Oct 13, 2021 in Work by anonymous_ | 1,048 views

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2 Answers

0 votes
HI Arifah,

thanks for posting! The answer depends on your fiance's work experience. Employers in Germany aren't — generally — discriminating towards refugees. Chances are, your fiance will get a job. However it depends on his work experience and the industry he would like to work in.
answered Oct 13, 2021 by someoneingermany
Thank you so much @someoneingermany
0 votes

Dear @Arie,

Welcome back to the Wefugees Community and thank you for reaching out to us again!

I agree with @someoneingermany: as soon as your fiance is allowed to work (for the regulations for asylum seekers in a pending asylum procedure see also this thread), it rather depends on his qualifications, his language skills, his interests etc. than on the fact that he came to Germany as refugee. 

All the best,


answered Oct 15, 2021 by Meike
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