I was a foreigner student in Germany for a long time. Unfortunately I'm unable to continue my life and course of studies here due to financial reason. I was exmatriculated, my status is no longer student, and my resident permit has expired. Now I wish to return to my home country as soon as possible but I can't afford the flight ticket. The corona virus situation is also affecting both flight availability and cost, thus making it even harder for me to solve the problem. My question is: Can I receive financial supports from the assisted voluntary return program even though I'm not a refugee? Or is there anyway for me to legally work until I make enough money for the trip?

I will soon have to leave my apartment since I'm unable to pay the rent, I'm worried about having no place to stay in the mean time. Is there anyway for me to get help somewhere somehow?
asked Jun 4, 2021 in Money by sigermany44 | 503 views

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Dear @sigermany44,

Welcome to the Wefugees Community and thank you for your question.

I am not too familiar with the details of the voluntary return programs. I made some research and found the following information on the "Handbook Germany" website:

In principle, you are entitled to REAG/GARP if you cannot personally finance your trip from Germany AND you belong to one of the following groups:

  • Persons whose asylum application is ongoing, individuals who have a tolerated stay ("Duldung") or those obliged to leave Germany – provided they withdraw their asylum applications or refrain from seeking further legal remedies. 
  • Persons who are recognised, according to the Geneva Convention, as a refugee – and have a German residence permit.
  • Persons who are entitled to reside in Germany according to international law or for humanitarian or political reasons.
  • Victims of forced prostitution and/or human trafficking.     

According to their explanations, (former) students might not be entitled to receive that kind of support. However, I would recommend you to contact a specialised voluntary return counselling office to get some individual advice. You may find such an office close to your current place of stay through using the search engine on this website ("Returning from Germany").

I hope this helps and please don't hesitate to get back to us with any further questions.

All the best,


answered Jun 6, 2021 by Meike
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