My french visa expired almost a month ago but before that I came to germany in october because I did not have a place to live there and a friend of mine allow me to stay me here in Germany.

I was wondering if there is any chance to apply for an assisted voluntary return here in Germany or it is better to go back to France?

In the case of Germany, where can I find counseling? Will I be banned from re-entry the schengen area?

I am very desperate in this moment and I'd appreciate any help on this subject.
asked Dec 5, 2019 in Legal advice by gonz94 | 550 views

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1 Answer

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Dear @gonz94,

Welcome to the Wefugees Community and thank you for sharing your question!

The website "Returning from Germany" provides a search engine for counselling offices specialized on voluntary return. Just type it your current place of stay and you will find contacts details.

I hope this helps and please feel free to get back to us with any further questions.

All the best,


answered Dec 6, 2019 by Meike
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