I've made my application to seek asylum here .I also consulted a lawyer and he says it is very likely that my application will be accepted with the evidences that I have.So I am waiting for an answer right now.I'm also a graduate of Political Science and International Relations .I studied in my home country Turkey.I've come here with a student visa.I'm now a  student of Computer Science/Informatik. I finished the first semester but I find it so hard to study here. I have 3.5 years ahead of me , and If I complete the programme in time I will be 28 .That is a long time to go .

I just needed to come here and thought it would be best move to enroll in a second bachelor for me.

Now I feel frustrated and studying this bachelor programme turned out to be so difficult for me.Do you think would it worth looking for a master's in a field of social science ?Or would it be easy for me to find a job directly after I receive the decision for my application? They don't deport me in case my application rejected.Or would you advise to me to persist in studying Computer Science that I am studying ?

During my bachelor's , I was particularly interested in humanitarian aid , civil wars, development and issues revolving around human security.Do you think is there much chance for me to find a job in NGO's ,organizations related to humanitarian aid and refugees?

All ideas are appreciated .
asked Mar 13, 2019 in Work by cihancam | 730 views

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1 Answer

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Computer science is really a good field in Germany. I have a friend studying it. Although it is so difficult for her, she still keeps studying because of the great job chances. One of the reasons it is so difficult is because she studies in German which is a hard for a foreigner. She has worked with different IT companies (as working student) and she is sure of getting a job when she graduates. I even wish i can study it.

I'll suggest you try looking for a job with your bachelor and at the same time continue with your computer science studies. Luck!
answered Apr 1, 2019 by Ziska
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