Hi friends...

I am an asylum seeker and I did find a job with a zietabrit firma I live in heilbronn.... Any way its writing on my ID that I need an approval from ABH or some thing before I could start working....  I did apply for the landreis amt a request for this specific job. ..they told me the answer will be in 2 weeks....  And I have been waiting for over a month and no thing yet. ...I did ask them today they said you should wait ...I did ask the abarits fur agntur... They said it did take too long but we can't help you... I am really scared they I will lose the job.... Is there any low or something about a time limit for them to give me an answer... And is there is any thing I could do... Tnx
asked May 15, 2018 in Work by Meltomm | 2,288 views

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Hello @Meltomm

Nice to hear from you again!

Did you get in contact with your employer to tell him about the delay? I think it might be better to communicate openly what's going on instead of risking to lose the job just because he didn't hear from you.

If Bundesagentur für Arbeit doesn't have enough information to decide on the case, and they don't get back to Ausländerbehörde within 2 weeks because of that, the work permit is going to be granted by Ausländerbehörde automatically. But I don't know in how far this applies to your case.

Source (German language): https://***.gesetze-im-internet.de/beschv_2013/__36.html

Did you already get in contact with a lawyer or a counselling center? They can take a closer **** at your case and maybe contact Ausländerbehörde to put pressure on the authorities. If you tell us where you live, we can do some research and give you contact information of such organisations.

Best regards,


answered May 16, 2018 by Thor
Thank you very much. ....
I live in heilbronn.. And I have been in Germany for over 17 months..
I found a website that gives an overview of counselling centers in Heilbronn: ****://fluechtlingsrat-bw.de/heilbronnstadt.html

You can contact one of the following people and try to find out whether they can help you and if you can meet up with them in person:

Kathrin Lehel of "ARGE" (mail: lehel.k@caritas-heilbronn-hohenlohe.de - tel.: 01761 8980996)

Annette Walter of "Flüchtlingsdiakonat Prälatur Heilbronn" (mail: annette.walter@diakonie-heilbronn.de - tel.: 07131 96 44-84 4)

Gabriele Schneider of "Initiative AbundAn" (mail: AbundAn-hn@t-online.de - tel.: 07131 / 72 02 45)

Nobert Winzek of "Arbeitskreis Flüchtlinge Gaffenberg" (mail: ak.gaffenberg@refugees-heilbronn.de)

Karl Kühner of "Freundeskreis Asyl Horkheim" (mail: karl.kuehner@web.de - tel.: 07131 / 57 04 73)

I hope this helps!
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