hello.I’m 15 years old. I don’t know German yet unfortunately but I’m studying it. In my own country I’m in 10th grade. I plan to start studying at school named “Berufsschule “ but after graduating school I want to go to university. can I go to university after graduating Berufsschule? I was really good student in my country , I had highest score in every subject every year. I really want to go to university but I heard that I can’t go to university if I graduate “Berufsschule “. by the way I’m in town “Forchheim “.

asked Feb 9, 2023 in Education by tako gvelesiani | 1,202 views

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Dear Tako,

So nice that you reach out to us and thank you for your question!

In general it is required that you make "Abitur" or "Fachabitur" if you want to go to an University or so-called "Hochschule". The "Berufsschule" is part of the dual vocational training in Germany which is called "Ausbildung". I am not an education expert, but I think under certain conditions it is also possible to go to an University once you finished an "Ausbildung" if you chose a study programme related to your voactional training field - so without the formal "Abitur". This path might be slightly more complicated.

I would highly recommend you to discuss your individual options at a so-called "Jugendmigrationsdienst (JMD)" - the counselling offices are specialised on these questions and offer free of charge support. There is even an office in Forchheim! Please see this website for their contact details. Just call them or send an email for an appointment!

I hope this helps and please also don't hesitate to get back to us with any other question.

All the best,


answered Feb 11, 2023 by Meike
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