I received a subpoena from the police station and explained that this is related to my illegal stay in Germany due to the Dublin procedures, even though I have a lawyer.  Now my lawyer is applying for a new power of attorney as this is considered a second law enforcement.  Please help.  Are there similar experiences or are there reasons for concern?
asked Jun 6, 2020 in Legal advice by Dana abuasi | 1,085 views
Dear Dana abuasi, Thank you for reaching out to the Wefugees Community! I am really sorry, but I can not share any experiences in this matter. I will link our wonderful expert @alla_fka here. Maybe she has some ideas. All the best, Meike

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Hallo Dana abuasi,

I am not sure, that I understand your case properly, because there is not much information in your description. I presume, you've taken a lawyer for your asylum procedure (in your case a Dublin procedure) against BAMF with the aim of representing you in an administrative court (Verwaltungsgericht). In the same time the police started an investigation referring to your coming to Germany illegally (without proper documents, a visum etc.) from another european country. From the point of view of the German law it is a special kind of crime which can be committed only by foreigners. So they want to question you to make a decision if they proceed with the accusation. This case, if proceeded further, has to be sent to a civil, or local, court (Amtsgericht) for a penalty statement. Mostly people get a money penalty which corresponds to a special number of daily units in prison. For representing you in this procedure with the police,a local court etc. the lawyer definitely needs another power of attorney and normally you must pay extra money because it is another piece of work.

If you meant something else, please give more details to your question.

answered Jun 16, 2020 by Alla_fka
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