asked Oct 30, 2019 in Asylum proceedings by helios | 925 views
Dear @helios, Could you please specify or explain your question a bit more? I’m afraid that our experts will have difficulties to understand what exactly you are asking for. Kind regards, Meike
Hi Meike thanks for your response.
From 10 abs, I came to know that even before the result of asylum procedure,  
'supreme land authority ' in Germany can authorize a residence permit in exceptional cases. Who are this authority in German language ?

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1 Answer

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Dear @helios,

Thank you for clarifying your question.

I assume you are referring to §10 (1) of the German Residence Act, which states: 

"In the absence of a legal entitlement, a foreigner who has filed an application for asylum may be granted a residence title prior to the legally valid completion of the asylum procedure only with the approval of the supreme Land authority, and only when vital interests of the Federal Republic of Germany so require"

It basically means, that it is almost impossible to get a residence permit before your asylum case is finished and legally binding. Only in very exceptional cases and if the issuing of a residence permit would be in the interest of the German state/public, the supreme land authority ("Oberste Landesbehörde", i.e. the Ministry of the Interior) could approve and order to do so.

I hope this answers your question.

All the best,


answered Nov 1, 2019 by Meike
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