As seen in the news, there are a couple of refugees having their pets with them.
Here i want to collect informations about the import provisions.
asked Oct 21, 2015 in Other Questions by refugeeswithpets | 758 views
There is a facebook group "Help for refugees with pets". They can help you by advice and perhaps money too. Good luck!
Hi Bearbel, as you can see in the answer below "Help for refugees with pets" is answering question here. Best regards, Conny

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2 Answers

+4 votes
There are import provisions for every pet from so-called non-listed third countries, syria is included.
Their owners have to proove, that for example the dog carried with them is theirs. For that they need a special pet passport, which you get when you get your dog chipped with a microchip. If you don't have such a passport, you need to get in contact with a boundary-veterinarian as soon as you arrive in germany. These places are listed here: ****://***.bmel.de/DE/Tier/HausUndZootiere/Heimtiere/_Texte/HeimtiereEinreiseregelung.html#Liste
Please do that as soon as possible, otherwise it can't be guaranteed that your pet will stay in germany (or austria or wherever you want to be) or worst cases: it will be sent back to your homeland or, if thats not possible, put to death.
We made a list with import provisions, sadly its just a german version.
answered Oct 21, 2015 by refugeeswithpets
+2 votes
Just a hint: It will be harder to find a flat here with a pet. Even for Germans it is hard if you have a dog to get a flat because many landlords don't wantthem in their house :/

This is the website of animal protection in berlin:

Maybe you can find help there. Unfortunately, it is in German only.
answered Oct 25, 2015 by Jules
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