I did my interview in April 2023 and up till now, I have not gotten a decision from BAMF.
Please is there no time limit upon which BAMF must send the decision?
asked May 4 in Asylum proceedings by Austyn09 | 252 views

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Dear @Austyn09,

Welcome to the Wefugees Community and thank you for reaching out to us.

You could file a so-called "Untätigkeitsklage" (action for failure to act) against the BAMF at the administrative court or at least threat the BAMF formally to do so if they don't decide on your application (the refugee council Thuringia drafted a template to be sent to the BAMF).

However, I recommend you to consult a refugee counselling office (the most specialised program on this would be the so-called "Asylverfahrensberatung"/asylum procedure counselling) to assess your case as a whole. They can also contact the BAMF and apply for the inspection of your files to see what is going on. I understand that the long waiting period can be exhausting. Nevertheless, it may also be a chance to have more time before the decision is made - depending on your general chances in the asylum procedure (i.e. to work on your German skills, education etc.).

I hope this helps and please don't hesitate to get back to us with any further questions.

All the best,


answered May 5 by Meike
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