Good evening, I finished my first year of Ausbildung as dental assistant and I understood that I don't like the profession anymore I wanted to change to be a student before or either cancel and go my home country. I gave my praxis the cancellation later specifying in it that i decided for another profession and that I want to continue to study the languages and as well because of my grandmother health problems I want to go back my home country. It has been 1 week and a half already and they don't give me an answer they are hesitating and avoiding  to sign it. In the contract is mentioned to give notice 4 weeks in advance so I did the same gave it on 15 of the month with a 4 week notice from that time. However they don't sign it, and in this case the time is going and they told me that only in the day the boss will sign from that time we count the 4 weeks. To which office I can address to help me and solve the problem? To be honest I need to go urgently to my country in order to manage to apply there for the master and take care of my grandmother.
asked Aug 21, 2023 in Legal advice by Lily | 371 views
Hi @Lily Do you still need assistance with this? I do not understand what you mean by 'they don't sign it'. A letter of resignation has only to be signed by you and it does not matter if the boss is there or away, the four-week time period starts aynway.

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