Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing this question to enquire regarding an administrational procedure. I have come from Spain to Germany which put me in the Dublin procedure. However, I have appealed BAMF's decision and I am still awaiting the results of the court.

Regretfully, I told BAMF that I lost my passport on the way to Germany due to a concern that it might facilitate my deportation sooner back to Spain. Nevertheless, I now have come to an understanding that a passport is not much important in inter-Europe deportation. Consequently, I want to submit my passport back so my identity gets determined and I don't face any potential problems in future after my asylum procedure.

Can you kindly tell me whether it would be appropriate to submit my passport now by telling that my passport has been found, or should I wait until the end of the Dublin procedure (6 months) and then submit it? It is worth mentioning that other details that I have told BAMF are corresponding to my passport (Identity/Date of Birth), so nothing is wrong in that manner

I am eagerly awaiting your response.

Best regards,
asked Apr 8, 2023 in Asylum proceedings by JusofJohn | 508 views

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2 Answers

0 votes

Dear @JusofJohn,

According to the German asylum law, applicants for asylum are obliged to submit their passport to the authorities. This is covered in paragraph 15, section 2 (4) of the Asylum Law (Asylgesetz):


Here in online translation:


If you seek additional advice, I recommend you seek a special consulation for those in the asylum process. This service is called 'Asylverfahrenberatung'



answered Apr 21, 2023 by mbeon-Éanna
0 votes

German law mandates that anyone seeking refuge turn in their passport to the appropriate authorities. doodle jump

answered Apr 24, 2023 by herringbur
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