Can I do ausbildung in english even after getting b1 certificate..... answer plss!!!
asked Mar 4, 2022 in Education by Pawan | 459 views

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1 Answer

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HI Pawan,

I did not find information about an Ausbildung, which is completely in English. However you have a variety of options to choose from that include English, such as:

  • Hotel management assistant
  • Tourism assistant
  • Flight attendant / Stewardess
  • Translator

If you are interested in IT then you may find an Ausbildung as IT-related positions require less German. However, in school, you have to speak, read and write German,

If you would like to go to university, there are some international majors to choose, which are completely in English. For some studies a B1 certificate is sufficient.

Hope this helps a bit.

Best wishes,


answered May 8, 2022 by Anita_Koe
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