We helped a mother with 2 children - actually refugees from Afghanistan - who flew from Afghanistan to Ukraine. And now from Ukraine to Germany. Are the allowed to stay here?
asked Mar 4, 2022 in Legal advice by Nicole Weinhold | 463 views
Dear Nicole,

Thank you for reaching out to us and it is so nice to hear that you are supporting the family from Afghanistan! I hope you will find useful information on the Wefugees platform!
Was the family granted international protection/ were they recognized as refugees in Ukraine?
If yes (if I understood correctly), they will be able to apply for temporary protection in Germany now. Please see my answer in this thread for more details: https://***.wefugees.de/811971/turkish-national-who-fled-to-ukraine-and-is-now-in-poland

In any case, please also don’t hesitate to get back to us with any further questions.

All the best for you and the family,


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1 Answer

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Dear Nicole,

I hope Meike's answer could help you?
Here you can find an update from Handbook Germany on the topic of refugees from Afghanistan.

With kind regards
answered Oct 4, 2022 by Saskia Wefugees
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