If someone is victim by violence and death threats from his father can he seek asylum in sweden?
asked Jan 3, 2022 in Asylum proceedings by ArabhardLife | 395 views

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2 Answers

+1 vote

Dear @ArabhardLife

Welcome to the Wefugees Community and thank you for your question. 

I agree with Frank...jen: EU citizens are free to move to and to work in another EU country (freedom of movement regulation). The EU countries also consider eachother as "safe countries" from which asylum applications would not be accepted. Did the victim or the person at risk inform the police about it? 

In any case, please don't hesitate to get back to us with any further questions or if we can support on any level.



answered Jan 5, 2022 by Meike
0 votes
A German citizen can't seek asylum in Sweden instead you can move there and live there ...
answered Jan 4, 2022 by Frank...jen
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