Hello! I just started my first year of ausbildung for gastronomy. I currently work and live in Roth but my school is in Nürnberg and just the tickets are very expensive. I was wondering if there is a fund or something i can apply for help from the government because considering my salary and all the expenses i have to make i dont think i am going to make it here alone. Thank you.
asked Nov 16, 2020 in Money by Fatbardha Koxha | 938 views

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Dear Fatbardha Koxha,

Welcome to the Wefugees Communtiy and thank you for reaching out to us. 

You might be entitled to receive a training allowance called "Berufsausbildungsbeihilfe (BAB)" and you need to apply for it at the local "Bundesagentur für Arbeit".

On the website of the Governemt Baden-Württemberg I found the following information in English:

Tip: Due to the numerous requirements, it is recommended that you arrange a consultation with the employment agency.

The personal requirements are:

  • German citizenship. Foreign applicants can be supported in individual cases. Please contact the local employment agency for advice concerning your individual case.
  • Your own place of residence. The training location is too far away from your parents’ home. Note: Should you live close to your parents’ home, you can also receive vocational training support under the following conditions:
    • You are aged over 18 or
    • You are married (or were married) or
    • You have at least one child who lives with you or
    • You cannot be assigned to the place of residence of the parents for serious social reasons.
  • Your remuneration during the period of vocational training does not suffice for:
    • Costs of maintenance
    • Accommodation costs such as rent
    • Travel costs between the place of vocational training or professional school, family trips home
    • Work clothing
    • Learning aids
    • Child support costs

When evaluating need, both your own income and that of your parents and/or of your husband or wife will be taken into account. In addition, certain allowances will be deducted. The same applies to registered civil partnerships.

Prerequisites for the support of vocational training:

Your vocational training can be supported if:

  • You are being trained in a recognised training profession (at a company or outside of a company)
  • You have concluded a training contract
  • Your training contract has been entered in the training directory
  • This is your first period of vocational training Only in a small number of exceptional cases is it possible to provide vocational training support for a second period of vocational training. In contrast to an initial period of vocational training, support for a second period is at the sole discretion of the Federal Employment Agency. You can obtain further information in this respect from the careers advisors at the employment agency.

Prerequisites for the support of a pre-vocational training measure:

  • It prepares you to take up vocational training or serves the purpose of professional orientation. It may not be subject to the school laws of the German Federal States
  • Successful professional training can be expected due to:
    • the qualifications and professional experience of the management personnel, as well as the training and support personnel,
    • the design of the learning plan, the teaching methods and
    • the quality of the teaching and learning aids which are used.
  • It is planned in accordance with the principles of economic efficiency and cost saving.
  • It is carried out on behalf of the employment agency.
  • The costs are reasonable.

Note: In order to make professional orientation easier, pre-vocational training measures can also include

  • general educational subjects (the ratio of the general educational subjects may not be excessive)
  • can prepare you for the retrospective acquisition of the secondary school education qualification or
  • can take place as part of an internship.

Information concerning the training requirements and income considerations can be found in the “vocational training support” leaflet of the Federal Employment Agency.

Note: There are special regulations for persons with disabilities.

As you can see, there are many details to be considered. However, it can be quite difficult currently to get appointments directly at the "Bundesagentur für Arbeit" due to the Corona situation. Therefore, I would like to recommend you to ask a "Jugendmigrationsdienst (JMD)" for help. They offer free, individual and confidential counselling for young migrants and I am sure they can support you in this.

I hope those information are useful and please don't hesitate to get back to us with any further questions.

All the best,


answered Nov 20, 2020 by Meike
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