Dear Sir/Madam,
I write to know if I will be able to have a good grand on my Asylum procedure in the future.
I am currently waiting for the outcome of my appeal in court again a negative decision over 2 years and some months now. During this time I was able to apply for a master program in a German University and just finished my master program.
I was told by a friend who is also on the process in the university that there is hope for me because I studied here already. How is this possible please?
Hope to read from you soon
Kind regards,
asked Jan 18, 2020 in Asylum proceedings by Ben | 507 views

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Dear Ben,

your degree won't alter the decision of the court, as the court considers only your reasons for the asylum application. So, if you come from a so called "safe" country, it will be negative anyway. If you come from another country, you will be given the chance to state your reasons again in all detail in depth, and if the situation in your country has changed, to provide new evidences why you cannot go back and need shelter here. If you receive a positive decision after the hearing everything will be fine, but if you you have a negative impression after the hearing you should get in touch with the Ausländerbehörde an apply for a Visa according to § 16.5 Aufenthaltsgesetz which is limited in time (up to 18 moths) to find a job in your field of study. We don't know when your hearing at the court will take place, so it is recommendable to search an according job at once. Time is running ... .

Please feel free to contact me again, if you want to learn more about which kind of job to seek or about the above mentioned countries as well as the language requirements for the jobs. My name is Christine and I would be happy to answer your further questions. In case you need a confidential consultation you can also write me at mbeon, which provides advice for adult immigrants in Germany via an app. Download the app at Google Play or  App Store and get in touch with me or 160 other migration advisors. It's free of charge, anonymous, data secure and you can get advice in 15 different languages. Find more information here: ***.mbeon.de.

Best regards


answered Jan 27, 2020 by mbeon-Christine
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