Hello Team, i a Nigerian and i got my asylum rejected in Germany November 2018.  I Have a German girlfriend currently who advised me to go apply for asylum in another European country like Belgium that she will come and marry me. My question is: Can we marry in Belgium during asylum  since my asylum request is rejected in Germany already? Will Belgium deport me back to Germany? What are my chances. Please I need answers. Thanks
asked Dec 22, 2019 in Legal advice by Donmorris | 1,194 views
Please can someone answer this request I'm also from Nigeria in a similar situation and I intend going to Belgium next week to begin the process of Asylum so my German spouse can marry me there.

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1 Answer

+1 vote

Dear @Donmorris,

Thank you for sharing your situation with the Wefugees Community and happy new year 2020!

As most of the European countries, Germany and Belgium apply the so-called Dublin regulation. The Belgian authorities will most likely refer to your rejected case in Germany and not accept your new application.

I am not an expert on requirements for getting married in Belgium, but I am quite sure that they will ask for documents as a valid passport, birth certificate, document proving your civil status etc.

However, if you are able to provide all those documents, you may also be able to marry in Germany, as it is in general not dependent on the residence status. You may want to read our blog on this topic. It lists all the required documents also.

Please feel free to get back to us with any further questions.

All the best,


answered Jan 3, 2020 by Meike
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