Me and my husband are refugee since 2010. we are married for 9years and have 4 children. I need to divorce with him. He also has no problem in it. Can we divorce in germany. Will our divorce affect the status and deport us.
asked Jun 8, 2019 in Asylum proceedings by Olivia | 654 views
@Linda, are you people already legal in the country? If yes, it won't cause any deportation.. But, if you are still illegal then it might bring issue..
Our status is duldung. 9 years in germany. Has no positive answer on our status.

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1 Answer

+1 vote

Dear Linda,

Could you share maybe some more details on your situation? I just understood from your last comment, that your are holding a "Duldung", correct? Can you explain the reason for the Duldung or provide any law the Duldung is referring to?

One other issue: Are you aware of the possibility to get a residence permit for people having a Duldung for more than 8 years (Section 25b of the German residence act: "Granting of residence in the case of lasting integration")? You can find the law here: https://***.gesetze-im-internet.de/englisch_aufenthg/englisch_aufenthg.html#p0583

Depending on your individual situation, you might be able to apply for a residence permit accordingly.

I hope these information are useful for you and please get back to us if you want to discuss your case further.

All the best,


answered Jun 21, 2019 by Meike
Dear Meike,
Thank you for the information. The information you gave me is very useful for me. Currently our family is holding for a Duldung visa. Since 2014 we have Duldung. The court rejected our case  and stopped our work permits. My 3 children are born in germany. We are in germany since 2010 September.
We are looking foreword for help to fix our lifes.
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