I have applied for asylum in south Africa and it was approved can I apply for another asylum in Israel
asked Jan 30, 2019 in Asylum proceedings by Oneroblack | 530 views

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Dear @Oneroblack,

Welcome to the Wefugees community and Thank you for your question!

Just a heads up: since this platform mainly focuses on topics related to asylum procedures and arriving in Germany, or the EU, I'm not very familiar with asylum laws or procedures in countries such as South Africa or Israel. 

Both countries signed the "1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and the 1967 Protocol". Some of the countries that signed have a Refugee Resettlement program:

"Many refugees cannot go home because of continued conflict, wars and persecution. Many also live in perilous situations or have specific needs that cannot be addressed in the country where they have sought protection. In such circumstances, UNHCR helps resettle refugees to a third country.

Resettlement is the transfer of refugees from an asylum country to another State that has agreed to admit them and ultimately grant them permanent settlement. UNHCR is mandated by its Statute and the UN General Assembly Resolutions to undertake resettlement as one of the three durable solutions."

Source: https://***.unhcr.org/resettlement.html

However, Israel and South Africa are, as far as my research has shown, not taking part in the resettlement program. Also, since you were already granted asylum in one of the countries which signed the Convention, your second asylum application may be seen as unreasonable (since you have a "protection status" already), unless you have direct family members/ a spouse in Israel and therefore intend to live there. 

Have you looked into finding work or a study program in Israel? This could be a way to live in Israel legally. Here is the Israel government's visa website: https://***.gov.il/en/subjects/certificates_and_passports/visa

I hope this information helps a bit. Feel free to reach out to us again if you have any more questions!

Best regards,


answered Jan 31, 2019 by Isa
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