Hi I m muhammad sohab from pakistan and I was in Germany and i have there my girl friend and we are agree to marry each other  but when I get my paper from Pakistan then  they deport me to Pakistan and now I want to know how is possibale that we marry here in pakistan
asked Jan 23, 2019 in Legal advice by Sohab | 2,291 views

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3 Answers

+1 vote

Dear @Sohab,

Thank you for your question!

I'm not a lawyer, but had a **** to find out what the requirements are for foreigners to get married in Pakistan. 

This website has the necessary information: https://pklegal.org/foreigners-marriage-rules-in-pakistan/

Here is what they say:

  1. A foreigner must have to have a valid Pakistan visa at the time of marriage registration. This visa can even a tourist visa.
  2. If a foreigner is getting married in Islamabad or Karachi with a Pakistani national then he/she will have to submit 6x passport size photographs, in Lahore 4x photographs are required.
  3. Pakistani partner will have to present his National Identity Card for the registration of their marriage.
  4. If any party was previously married but now living a divorced or widowed then presentation of relevant document is compulsory.
  5. Couple will also have to bring along with two male witnesses with them at the time of registration. We can also arrange witnesses on request, however, this service may add some additional cost.

I would advise to talk to officials in your country to make sure you have all the necessary documents. Also, you two have to make sure your marriage will be recognized by German law. After you are married, you can apply for family reunion, in order for you to move and live with your wife in Germany. 

For more information on family reunion, please have a **** at the BAMF website: ****://***.bamf.de/EN/Fluechtlingsschutz/FamilienasylFamiliennachzug/familienasyl-familiennachzug-node.html

I hope this information helps! Of course you can reach out to us again if you have any more questions, or check out our platform for similar cases around marriage and family reunion by using the search bar on the right. 

All the best, 


answered Jan 23, 2019 by Isa
0 votes
Thank you sir and I tried many time but I can't reach information Center .
answered Jan 24, 2019 by Sohab
0 votes

Im Not a Lawyeer. But I prefer you to Choose the ADV Jamila Ali.She is the Best Female and Best Advocate in Pakistan for all kind of Legal Cases. Thanks in Advanced.

Click: https://***.advocateinlahore.***/

answered Jun 2, 2023 by Advocateinlahore
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