The standesamt  refused  to give me my baby birth  certificate,  after the registration of my  baby, and after me and the father submitted  all the documents   to obtain  my baby birth certificate,  instead of issuing a birth certificate, he gave us  a birth  registration; but after a long time argument  with the man at the standesamt; he then ask me to provide a passport  in order to get the birth certificates.  So i had to travel to Berlin  to get a
passport . After submitting  the passport  to him; he then said that my passport  will be verified  by the court and am gonna pay 750 Euro s  for for this verification .  Why discrimination, why denying  my son what rightfully  is his? Why , please  help  me . I need answers  and advice  to this situation.
asked Apr 7, 2018 in Legal advice by Helena | 2,447 views
Helena is your problem solved ,if yes,how did you go about it ?

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3 Answers

0 votes

Hello @Helena

Nice to hear from you again.

A certificate of birth is an important document and Standesamt won't issue it without knowing who exactly the parents of the child are. They want to avoid ending up with false information in the certificate. In order to check your identity they need a number of documents including your passport. That's the reason why it's lawful for Standesamt to just give you a birth registration if you can't provide a passport (and other required documents).

I'm not sure about the verification of your passport, but since it's important to check your identity I assume they have to verify it first. Probably there is a number of countries which passports are not accepted unconditionally by German authorities without further investigation.

Best regards,


answered Apr 9, 2018 by Thor
0 votes
Normally its not the court that verifies if a passport is genuine or not.when i gave ausländerbehorde  my passport i didnt have to pay anything for confirmation.standesamt would inform the ausländerbehorde bout your passport and it would be sent to criminal police because they normally send it to criminal police to check it..and too for the fact you did it in berlin it would be quicker for them to verify the validity of your passport...They are just trying to put you through stress..and talking one on one with them changes nothing i advice you get a lawyer who would quote the law to them accordingly...
answered Apr 11, 2019 by Ben7
0 votes
My sister the earlier you do it the better for you,mind you they're not taking it to court to verify but your country, they will send some German embassy personnel to your person that you will recommend to investigate so things probably if you have said somethings they're not sure of while some cities it's just their thing and this might take them from 6 months or more and if the German embassy personnel don't tell them what they want you will be asked to pay another money to redo it. It's not easy but you just have to do it. Best of luck.
answered Apr 11, 2019 by Blessings
Hi, No discrimination here. Lets normalize understanding the rules. If your identity is unclear the Germany Government will not give you anything. Besides who doesn't know foreign documents need to be verified. Hope this helps. All the best.
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