Hi, yesterday i was reading a post in which a member of this forum wrote this ""Having a job or not does not influence the asylum seeking process because the only thing that matters in this context are reasons for your flight. But in case you got an unlimited work contract and you can prove that your German is on C1-level after three years than you can apply for a Niederlassungserlaubnis (permanent residency permit) which grants you the right to stay in Germany.""" (https://***.wefugees.de/101690/does-accepting-a-job-change-my-legal-status?show=202620#a202620) So i have an unlimited work contract+since three years i m living and working there and i have german b2 level certificate. About 4 months ago bamf put negative decision on my asylum application and i appealed against the decision. My question is Am i eligible to apply for permanent residency if yes than what is the procedure??

asked Mar 7, 2018 in Legal advice by malik123 | 5,046 views
Hello @malik123 - nice to hear from you again! I will link @WKZB1 from Willkommenszentrum Berlin here. Maybe he can help you to find an answer to your question. Best regards, Thorgen

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1 Answer

+1 vote
You are unfortunately not eligible to apply for permanent residency now. Only after having got the refugee status granted, you can apply for permanent residency after three years, when you can secure your subsistence through your own work  and have the German on C1.
answered Mar 14, 2018 by WKZB1
Thank you very much for your reply and this forum is great whenever i have a question i can get answere from here keep it up #wefugees
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