I have bachelor of  mathematics but I am an accountant in my country and I am Acca student, I want to apply for master of accounting in Germany university, is that possible?
asked Sep 12, 2017 in Education by mina | 2,286 views
Hello @mina - welcome to our community! @Micha92 already gave a great answer. In addition I will link @BildungsberaterIn and @KironHelpDesk . They are both familiar with the German educational system. Best regards, Thorgen
thank you so much

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3 Answers

+2 votes
Best answer
Hey Mina,

I'm not an expert regarding the requirments of a master degree in Accounting. But I just took a **** at several study websites, where you can find informations about most of the master programs that exist in Germany.
First of all, it is important to know that the requirments for the same master degree (for example 'Accounting') vary between the different universities that are offering it.

What I have found out about a Master of Accounting (often called also: 'Master of Taxation & Accounting' or 'Master of Finance & Accounting') is that normally you have to proof a certain level of Mathematics from the Bachelor. If you have already succeeded a bachelor degree in Mathematics, you are propably fulfilling this requirment.

At the same time there other requirments as well. For Accounting you also need a certain level of business or economic courses from the Bachelor. If you are missing those, you can possibly repeat them.
Sometimes you even have to provide evidence that you already have some working experience in this field.

But as I said it really depends on the university, so you should take a **** on the websites of the universities. There you can **** for 'Master of Acounting' and find all the informations.

Maybe the following page is a good starting point, but unfortunately only in German. It shows the universities that are offering 'Accounting' as a master program.


I hope, I could help you.
If you have more questions, feel free to ask them :)

Best regards,
answered Sep 12, 2017 by Micha92
+6 votes
Thanks @Micha92 and @Thor.

Dear @mina,

Welcome to Wefugees.

To answer your question:
Theoretically it is possible to study accounting master program with mathematics bachelor degree, if someone has work experience as accountant or in financial field.

However, you should first search for the programs and then see what requirements are needed for. Each university or program has it's own criterias.
You should also pay attention to the fact that most of the english language master programms in this field have high tuition fee.

I recommend the DAAD website for the search:

On the left side you can search for specific programs (bachelor, master...) in specific language (english, german,...) and you can check which university has what.

If you are a refugee here in Germany, there are also university projects helping refugees to get integrated in the education system. For example HWT university (which has a master program for accounting).

We give educational counselling to refugees in Berlin in different languages (Farsi, Arabic, French...). So if you have more questions, you can contact us.

Bildungsberaterin von LernLaden Neukölln
answered Sep 13, 2017 by BildungsberaterIn
Thanks for the quick answer @BildungsberaterIn !
thank you so much for your great answer I have one more answer; should I pay for studying master of accounting in German? because I thought it is free
Hello @mina,
The education system in Germany is (mostly) public. Means you should pay just between 300-500€ per semester at university, depending which state you are studying in, and by that you can get a semester ticket to use public transport.

BUT some universities offer few programs (mostly english master programs and mostly in economy/finance fileds) in cooperation with private companies, or financed partly by private companies. And these programs have tuition fees.
That is why I wrote you that you should check the programs. On the link I wrote in the first comment (from DAAD), you can see which one has tuition fee and which one doesn't.

Setareh from LernLaden Neukölln
Thank you @BildungsberaterIn - great answer! @mina I closed the other thread that you opened because you already got an answer to the same question here. We try to keep the structure of this platform and its threads clear. That's why I'd like to ask you to avoid cross-posting of the same question in different threads. Thank you very much :)
+4 votes
Dear @mina,

You have already received very good answers. As my colleagues here have said, each Master’s Program has different requirements, including language, ECTS (European credit system), and subject continuance requirements. The best thing to do is to choose programs that best fit your interests and **** at their requirements.

The DAAD website that you've been recommended is a very comprehensive one and websites like Master’s Portal are also helpful.  

You should also check whether your Bachelor's degree is recognized in Germany on the Anabin website (****://anabin.kmk.org/no_cache/filter/schulabschluesse-mit-hochschulzugang.html#land_gewaehlt)

If you are lacking credits, Kiron recommends getting in contact with the director of your program of choice (the Head of the Department, in which you are interested in studying). For example, if you are interested in studying Political Science, **** online or ask someone in the international office who is in charge of the entire department, make an appointment with them, and explain your situation. They will often ask you to either compare what you’ve learned to what their program expects, or they could ask you to justify why your courses should ‘count as’ equivalent to what they expect, or they could write you an exception, etc. If you cannot get in touch with the head of the department, contact the International Office within that university.

I hope this helps. Good luck in your search!

Kiron Open Higher Education

answered Sep 15, 2017 by KironHelpDesk
Thank you Claudia for your quick response!
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